Travis Miles
Travis Miles
connections between the atmosphere, cryosphere, earth, and ecosystems across a broad range of temporal and spatial scales; oriented numerical modeling

Cook Campus
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Dept of Marine and Coastal Sciences (DMCS)

Dr. Miles is a physical oceanographer interested in understanding how the atmosphere, cryosphere, earth, and ecosystems connect through the ocean across a broad range of temporal and spatial scales. To understand these connections he uses and develops ocean observation networks that sample across spatial and temporal scales in combination with process oriented numerical modeling. Travis is involved with an array of multi-disciplinary projects that involve: 1) Rapid response Teledyne-Webb Slocum glider deployments ahead of coastal storms; 2) investigation of the ice-ocean interactions in the Amundsen Sea and 3) development of novel satellite products in support of wind resource estimates for coastal New Jersey.